Kritički osvrt na studiju o homeopatskom lečenju hroničnih glavobolja

Mnoge studije koje su se bavile ispitivanjem efikasnosti homeopatskih lekova nisu dizajnirane u skladu sa homeopatskim principima. Homeopatska evaluacija stanja pacijenta nakon primene leka je složenija i ima svoja pravila koja se razlikuju od pravila evaluacije pacijenata nakon tretmana hemijskim lekovima.

Classical Homeopathic Treatment of Chronic Headaches

This study was undertaken by H. Walach, (1) W. Haeusler,(2) T. Lowes,(2) D. Mussbach,(2) U. Shamell,(2) W. Springer,(2) G. Stritzl,(2) W. Gaus, (3)G. Haag.(1)

Universität Freiburg,(1)Psychologisches Institut, Abt. Rehabilitationspsychologie, Freiburg, Germany; Homöopathische Praxisgemeinschaft, (2)München, Germany; Universität Ulm, (3) Biometrie und Medizinische Dokumentation, Ulm, Germany

Cephalalgia 1997;17:119-26. Oslo. ISSN 0333-1024

A Critical Review

The results in this study are not surprising if one takes into consideation that they are the consequences of :

1. lack of experience of those prescribing in treating such long-standing headache cases;

2. a lack of understanding of the theoretical basis of homeopathy in those involved in the study.

For an experienced homeopath a case of chronic headaches of mean duration of 23 years will have the following implications:

a. A very long period of aggravation in the beginning of the treatment (even more than four weeks in some cases) if the remedy was correct. Such a reaction will induce the patient to use more painkillers than usual.

From the report it is obvious that such practice happened in the homeopathic group. But it is well known and established through experience that if a patient uses chemical (allopathic) drugs in the initial aggravation stage, then automatically this counteracts the curative effect of the remedy!

Therefore the amelioration from the remedy will never appear.

Klasični homeopatski tretman hroničnih glavobolja